Saturday, July 28, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

“It is wrong and unfair to compare George W. Bush to Nazi Germany Leader, Adolph Hitler. Hitler was a great orator.”


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

"Whether it is Islam, Christianity, Communism or imaginary alien invasions, human beings can always be brought to rally about a conflict-ridden cause with the simple tools of a symbolic flag and a book of faith."


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Democracy Interrupted


Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure, and propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny, and begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship.

Part IV of the "American Democracy in Crisis" series.


If the past is prologue, then the present may be prescient. Each day, many of us awaken to a queasy feeling of unrest, knowing that the rule of law is under assault. The Constitution is in jeopardy and our unassailable rights to an egalitarian society are quickly being abolished. Television, newspapers, blogs, and a litany of books are reminiscent in our collective conscience that America has been browbeaten into trading peace for war, liberties for securities, sovereignty for safety, and blood for oil.

Our reputation on the world’s stage is indelibly stained by pernicious acts of imperialism, hegemony, blind patriotism, and outright incompetence by Washington’s power brokers and their agents of avarice. Yet, beyond dystopian polls and sparse demonstrations, Americans seem unwilling to accept and are extraordinarily unaware, that tyranny is taking root here in America.

We have ran the gamut of – and sadly sanctioned – some of the most unconceivable and heinous measures in American history. The Military Commissions Act, The Patriot Act, The Domestic Wiretapping Program, ignored the Geneva Conventions, revoked habeas corpus and engaged in torture. We removed our selves from the world’s courts, attacked and now occupy a country that never posed a grave or imminent danger to our own nation and then failed to adequately care for the pointlessly wounded soldiers, evident by the Walter Reed Hospital debacle.

The Justice Department enacted by law and created in1870, to make certain fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans was carried out under the law, has been purely politicized. It has been altered and grotesquely mutated into a blanket of immunity for loyalty and allegiance to an autocratic president that has throttled our nation to the point of snuffing out all legitimacy of our national system of jurisprudence.

Alberto Gonzales, the empty suite at the head of the Department of Justice, appointed by President Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate in 2005, not only repeated lies with impunity, but also obediently abdicates his sworn duty. He obsequiously yielded to Bush’s wild assertions of executive privilege and steadfastly refused to pursue Congress’ mandated contempt citations for Harriet Miers and Josh Bolton. Justice, by these lawless actions, is not being served, but is abruptly being handed its hat.

The commutation of I. Scooter Libby, an obstructionist of the law and felon, reminds us that justice is no longer in service in the interest of integrity and impartiality. Justice is now enslaved to the bidding of the Bush Administration and serves only to provide shelter and safe haven for loyal soldiers within a rogue, Mafioso-style executive branch.

Pre-emptive war planning operatives, such as John Yoo, David Addington, Paul Wolfowitz, the infamous “Torture Memo”, the radical “Unitary Executive Theory”, unconstitutional signing statements, the shocking Abu Ghraib torture pictures, The Project for a New America Century’s outlandish, 1998 white paper entitled, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, all signify we are on an inexorable march towards dictatorship.

It should now be brutally apparent and undoubtedly understood by all that the Bush Administration is not merely above the law; it is the law. Our seven-year autocracy has now morphed into full despotism. Bush and his actors of austerity, beyond all doubt, are desperados who are unrestrained and unfettered, severing all ties with restraint and decency, decorum and sound judgment. The nascent Nixon enterprising years of imperialism and lawlessness are feeble by contrast.

We have rhetoric from armchair members of Congress who assert, “This administration has weakened America in a way that is frightful[1]”, and then refuse to breathe life into the comatose corpse of a once proud and functioning democracy by taking impeachment, the people’s remedy for the infringement of our independence, “off the table.” Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the Democrats are quite content to allow Bush to self-destruct, in full view of the nation, while the U.S wreaks havoc in the Middle-East, in order to create what they falsely believe will be a landslide election weighted heavily for the Democrats by Bush's massive blunders and political collapse.

Thirty plus years after Nixon's failed coup d'état, George W. Bush has taken the idea of a tyrannical, presidential despot, at the helm of the Executive Branch, to dizzying heights and abject lows in America in the 21st century. Bush has now fully entrenched himself – in a twisted, extravagant, bravado-ridden version of Richard Nixon – by stonewalling every action Congress takes, as a totalitarian ruler, more bellicose and bombastic than his previous six years of pompous swagger and reckless governing.

The juxtaposition of these two loggerheads – an ineffectual Congress and an imperial President – leads to the will of the people being usurped, subjugated, and silenced. The People no longer have a voice in this government, for it is no longer our government as much as it is no longer a democracy. What America has become is an autocracy operated by lobbyists, mega-corporations, the military-industrial complex, and the whores in Washington that these power brokers, in a very fascist way, have bought politicians’ loyalty, acquiescence, and obedience. Contrary to the revisionist history so may of us are indoctrinated with, and unswervingly clutch to without reason or true examination of the facts, is our nation is run by an oligarchy.

Our will as a nation is not being done for a very simple reason. We, as a nation, have been titrated – the gradual increasing of dosages, pressure, and propaganda – till the desired effect, an inured and complicit society, have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government. We have bestowed our birthright to despotic rulers who do not find fear in – or seek shelter from – the near unanimous disapproval of the people they suppress and subdue[2]. They seek not the consent of the people for they seek only allegiance and adherence to their own reprehensible, egocentric, and depraved pursuits for power, money, and authoritarian control. Never in America's past has an assault on the truth and freedom been waged so viciously nor have the American people been so reprehensibly divided and utterly deceived by men we never truly elected in the first place.

What is prescient about the present is the deafening silence in which we fail to speak out, take action, or demand accountability. George Bush and Dick Cheney are the epitome of, the embodiment of, the exact personification of, what the founders feared in an autocratic oppressor, the rise of a despot to the presidency, and how that despot would come to exist. The framers of the Constitution gave us all the tools we need, without the shedding of blood, to ensure the rights and freedoms of the people remained intact and attempts at tyranny or oppression were rejected and ultimately beaten back.

We have to begin to change the framing of peoples’ mind first, and then explain the actions that need to be taken. No matter what or how somber the facts are, if the framing, the paradigm within which people operate is not changed, then no transformation will take place.

The only proper instrument for accountability and transformation – when a president becomes despotic in his actions – is impeachment, trial, and removal for failure to respect and honor the Constitution and faithfully execute the laws of the land. Impeachment is a just and necessary remedy and we must immediately diverge away from the idea that it takes away from other work Congress should and can be doing. When you have a president who openly flouts and disobeys the law, intentionally attempts to erase the separation of powers of our tripartite government and assume dictatorial powers, no legitimate work, which will stand as the rule of law for all men, can be realized.

Here is the straightforward reason why impeachment is a mandate to return to a working democracy: No matter what legislation Congress passes, Bush will veto it, ignore it, or add a dubious “signing statement”, making unilateral claims he may disregard it or claim the bill is "unconstitutional", plainly bypassing the judicial process of the Supreme Court, as well. As many historians have appropriately point out, not even King George III of England had or assumed these kinds of authoritarian powers.

The fabric of democracy is feeling the strain and we must unburden our country, through impeachment, from a despotic president and a dangerous vice-president who uses fear and subjugation to rule by and not the rule of law to govern our nation by. There can and must be far more significant consequences for all of these abuses of power and executive anarchy, or the actions of Bush and Cheney will simply become historical precedence for future abuses by future presidents, whether a republican or a democrat.

[1] Senator Russ Feingold (D) of Wisconsin, on Meet the Press, July 22, 2007
[2] 71% of Americans Disapprove of the Way Bush is Handling His Job; July 23, 2007, American Research Group

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Censuring Bush Is Not Enough!

An open letter to Senator Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin, highlightling the ineptitude of censuring the president and why impeachment is the proper instrument for accountability.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Honorable Russell D. Feingold
United States Senate
506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-4904
DC Phone: 202-224-5323
DC Fax: 202-224-2725

Dear Senator Feingold,

With all due respect and support for restoring the rule of law, if these transgressions (listed below) are not impeachable, what usurpations do rise to the level of a High Crime? Is impeachment optional in the face of such blatant and incontrovertible evidence, or does not the Constitution stipulate Congress must act?

Bush/Cheney Offenses:

- The assertion that Iraq was linked to al-Qaeda;
- The claim that Iraq harbored weapons of mass destruction that threatened the U.S.;
- The knowingly false declaration in the 2003 State of the Union Address that Saddam Hussein tried to purchase yellow-cake uranium from Niger;
- Insufficient war planning;
- The failure to protect troops and preserve the military;
- Fiscal mismanagement of the war.
- The implementation of the illegal, domestic wiretapping program and for misleading the American people regarding the legality of the warrantless program;
- The use of military commissions;
- Redefining torture;
- The politicization of the U.S. Attorney scandal;
- The refusal to comply with congressional subpoenas.

The only proper instrument for accountability -- when a president becomes despotic in his actions -- is impeachment, trial, and removal for failure to respect and honor the Constitution and faithfully execute the laws of the land.

Impeachment is a just and necessary remedy and I disagree that it takes away from other work Congress should and can be doing. When you have a president who openly flouts and disobeys the law, intentionally attempts to erase the separation of powers of our tripartite government and assume dictatorial powers, no work, as has been the case so far, except for the minimum wage bill, will be accomplished!

Here's the simple reason why: No matter what legislation Congress passes, Bush will veto it, ignore it, or add a dubious “signing statement”, making unilateral claims he may ignore it or claim the bill is "unconstitutional", plainly bypassing the judicial process of the Supreme Court, as well. As many historians have appropriately point out, not even King George III of England had or assumed these kinds of tyrannical powers.

I fully understand that impeachment starts in the House of Representatives, but it is also your solemn duty, as much as it there's, to ensure the Constitution is respected and the laws of the land rule our country, not an imperial president who ignores them or invalidates them.

Censuring Bush and Cheney is a start, but there must be far more significant consequences for these abuses of power, or the actions of Bush and Cheney will simply become historical precedence for future abuses by future presidents, Republican or Democratic.

The fabric of democracy is feeling the strain and we must unburden our country from a despotic president and a dangerous vice-president who uses fear and subjugation to rule by and not the rule of law to govern our nation.

Frank J. Ranelli

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Quote of the Day!

Frank j Ranelli

"The commutation of I. Scooter Libby reminds us than justice is no longer in service in the interest of integrity and impartiality; but justice has been altered and grotesquely mutated into a blanket of immunity for loyalty and allegiance to a criminal regime that has throttled our nation to the point of snuffing out all legitimacy."


Monday, July 23, 2007

Bush Approval Rating Plunges To a measly 25 Percent

Frank J Ranelli

Virtually three-fourths of the country, 71%, disaprove of the way President Bush is handling his job as president and a mere 25% approve of his unbearable job performance. Adding to Bush's ineptitude, 73% of Americans do not agree with how he has handled the economy, just 23% (Bush's base) actually approve of his fiscal implementation.

Heckuva job Bushie!

Read the full poll at:
The American Research Group

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

"Thirty plus years after Nixon's failed coup d'état, George W. Bush has taken the idea of a tyrannical despot at the helm of the Executive Branch to dizzying heights and abject lows in America in the 21st century."


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

"There is nothing patriotic or American about those that allege to spread democracy and freedom throughout the world, when they so vehemently crush its very existence on the same soil from which true liberty first took root."


America, Are You Angry Yet?

Frank J. Ranelli

If you aren't angry, you will be after watching this montage of clips brilliantly illuminating the utter lies, mendacity, and contempt for the truth the Bush/Cheney Administration has carried out since September 11, 2001. All of this was done in YOUR name and all of it with YOUR permission.

Why is this in your name and with your permission? The answers is because your elected Congress has failed to impeach Bush and Cheney. They our both the epitome of, the embodiment of, the exact personification of what the founders feared in an autocratic oppressor, the rise of despot to the presidency, and how that despot would come to exist!

We have a remedy for removing and preventing tyranny, it's called impeachment, and the founders were wise to head the past and provide 'The People' with a remedy for such grievous usurpations of our sovereignty as a free people.

If you do not wish to live and listen to “the Orwellian lies” any longer then watch this video, stand up and do something!

Start by telling, no demanding, the House Judiciary Committee and Speaker Pelosi hold Impeachment hearings on H.Res. 333!

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Watch it!

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Thursday, July 19, 2007


An open letter to Senator George Voinovich, of Ohio, highlightling the gravity our troops face in Iraq and what he MUST do to help end it.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Honorable George Voinovich
United States Senate
524 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3503
Phone: 202-224-3353
Fax: 202-228-1382

Dear Senator Voinovich:

ABC News recently ran a four-minute video clip entitled, Exclusive Look at Soldiers on the Front Line, illuminating the enormity and misery in Iraq. Here is what one soldier, Specialist Michael Vassell, had to say:

"I challenge anybody in Congress to do my rotation... Because we have people up there in Congress with the brain of a two-year-old who don't know what they're doing...I challenge the president to ride along with me for 15 months."

This rare, candid, and somber video confirms, in lurid and stark details, of the daily horrors and despair that U.S. soldiers and Iraqis face together, while President Bush prosecutes his ceaseless 'War on Terror" in Iraq.

The casualties in this video include, six U.S. soldiers burned to death in an up-ended Humvee from an IED, an old woman's wits; whose tears and shrieks of terror echo eerily in your mind long after the video stops, and finally a taxi cab driver erroneously shot to death by over-vigilant, weary and nervous American troops – from an extended 15-month tour – who was circling a neighborhood looking for an address to pick up a customer.

Senator, your recent vote on the Levin-Reed Amendment perpetuates this endless cycle of dread and death, senselessness and insanity - by failure to enact the will of 70 percent of Americans and end Bush's misbegotten exploit in the Iraq.

Please, watch the video (link provided below) and stop supporting President Bush's failed foreign policy and start truly supporting the troops – by bringing them home – and help sustain the resolve of the American public, which you were elected to serve and represent, by ending this ruinous and unjustified war now.

-Frank J. Ranelli

Video Link:

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Soldier Challenges Bush & Congress to Step into the Morass

Watch it!

Specialist Michael Vassell:

“I challenge anybody in Congress to do my rotation... Because we have people up there in Congress with the brain of a two-year-old who don’t know what they’re doing...I challenge the president to ride along with me for 15 months."

Click on the link below and watch the ABC video of an,

"Exclusive Look at Soldiers on the Front Line"

This rare, candid and somber video confirms, in lurid and stark details, of the daily horrors and despair that soldiers and Iraqis face together, while Bush prosecutes his 'War on Terror" in Iraq.

The casualties in this video include, six U.S. soldiers burned to death in an up-ended Humvee from an IED, an old woman's wits; whose tears and shrieks of terror echo eerily in your mind long after the video stops, and finally a taxi driver erroneously shot to death by over-vigilant, weary and nervous American troops -- from an extended 15-month tour -- who was circling a neighborhood looking for an address to pick up a customer.

Six U.S. soldiers, an old woman and a cab driver: fighting "them" there, so we don't have to fight them here....

Think about it, America.

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Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

“Never in America's past has an assault on the truth and freedom been waged so viciously nor have the American people been so reprehensibly divided and utterly deceived by a man we never elected in the first place.”


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

“The forgery of the brass ring of the Bush 'Unitary Executive Theory' was cast in the fires of tyranny and burnished in the foundry of perpetual war.”


Friday, July 13, 2007

Impeachment matters

Barbara Boxer on the Ed Schultz Show yesterday:

"I've always said that you need to keep it on the table, and you need to look at these things, because now people are dying because of this administration. That's the truth. And they won't change course. They are ignoring the Congress. They keep signing these signing statements which mean that he's decided not to enforce the law. This is as close as we've ever come to a dictatorship. When you have a situation where Congress is stepped on, that means the American people are stepped on. So I don't think you can take anything off the table. Because in fact the Constitution doesn't permit us to take these things off the table." -- United States Senator, Barbara Boxer

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Quote of the Day!


“Without vision, there can be no sight; therefore, I can affirm that a blind democracy is a dead democracy. One destine to wander without purpose, through the lengthy annuls of human history, on its way to become only a footnoted narration. For lacking a vision for our future; for our liberties; for our humanity, we will just as surely extinguish our sovereignty too.”


Monday, July 09, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Today's quote is not one of my own, but from Nick Paccione, a freelance writer living in Los Angeles who write for the Smirking Chimp.

"[Christians] they're never humble; seldom compassionate and rarely Christ-like in anything they say or do." -- Nick Paccione

Exhibit "A"

"Christianity fuels everything I write" -- Ann Coulter

Which actually means.....

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." -- Ann Coulter

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

54% of Americans want Dick Cheney Impeached! Learn why!


IMPEACH CHENEY! Support H. RES. 333!


In his conduct while Vice President of the United States, Richard B. Cheney, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of Vice President of the United States ...purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq.


In his conduct while Vice President of the United States, Richard B. Cheney, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of Vice President of the United States...purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda in order to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq .

Learn how you can get involved and make a difference at:

Impeach Cheney

Read the full text of H. RES. 333 at:

Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Quote of the Day!


“Religion is merely a flawed ‘cult of belief’, in a superlative set of human conduct laws, divvied out by dogmatic charlatans that provide suppressive camouflage for reprehensible, intolerant, and spiteful judgment of others.”


Monday, July 02, 2007

Justice Interrupted

Sunday, July 08, 2007

We are reminded that one of the principles our forefathers fought for was equal justice under the law. This commutation completely tramples on that principle.” --Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York

No Senator, what we have actually witnessed here is the largest cover-up crime in American History. The Nixon “enterprising years of imperialism” and lawlessness are feeble by contrast.

We are not only reminded than justice is no longer in service in the interest of integrity and impartiality; but justice has been altered and grotesquely mutated into a blanket of immunity for loyalty and allegiance to a criminal regime that has throttle our nation to the point of snuffing out all legitimacy.

Mere rhetoric from armchair Senators –such as Schumer – will not breathe life into the comatose corpse of a once proud and functioning democracy. Action and accountability, which begins with impeachment, is the only way to restore the rule of law now.

It should now be brutally apparent and undoubtedly understood by all that Bush is not merely above the law; he IS the law. Our seven-year autocracy has now morphed into full despotism. Bush, beyond all doubt, is a desperado unrestrained and unfettered, severing all ties with restraint and decency.

Somewhere, Richard Nixon is smiling and cheering for Scooter Libby

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Quote of the Day!

Frank J Ranelli

"Religion, imperialism, militarism, and fundamentalism are all intended for one purpose: the denial of dissent and the coalescence of control by the 'powers that be' which represents the bindings of despotism and tyranny."
