Saturday, May 20, 2006

America is teetering on the brink of democratic extinction

The repackaging and reconstituting of Fascism for the 21st century

Frank J. Ranelli

Part I: A Broken System

A radical and aggressive revision of our society has been underway and under wraps for over five years now during Bush’s reign. Where systematic brainwashing, fear mongering and forceful secrecy have imprisoned a whole nation and threatens our ability to self-govern. Part I of how a paradigm shift is needed now and why each one of us is responsible for the rebirth of a peaceful nation built on trust and hope not lies and fear.

It comes as no surprise that numerous people are now expressing their deepest concerns about President Bush, his complicit Congress lawmakers and lapdog Supreme Court judges full of conspirator reactionaries posing as honest jurists. Our country really is teetering on the brink of self-governing extinction and sliding further into the abyss of fascism every day. The Fourth Amendment is certainly already gone, what's next? All ten of the Bills of Rights most likely, except for the Second Amendment, reserved for the militant gun nuts of the right-wing, ala Dick Cheney. This is all taking place compliments of the 2001 Patriot Act; the 1933 Germanic Enabling Act, repackaged and reconstituted for the 21st century, American style!

Then we have the President himself, George W. Bush. We all know that “power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts”. What we had yet to see, at least in this country’s history, is what happens to absolute power in the hands of someone intellectually inferior to the undertaking and responsibility of stewardship of a great nation. George W. Bush is a mental midget, an immature frat-boy turned psychopath and a megalomaniac who lacks the competence to govern a nation or even basic human understandings such as empathy and compassion. He truly is void of all moral fiber. Bush has no concern for the welfare of others and experiences little remorse or guilt as a result for his injurious and antisocial behavior he displays. He is America’s Hitler, whether we all want to face that truth or not.

Bush uses the oldest, but most effective methods to create an empire and dictatorship- demagoguery, and exploiting man’s most vulnerable emotion: fear. In the face of seemingly terrifying fear, especially a national crisis, people will follow their sentiment and fail to use common sense or examine facts to make informed decisions. Cool heads rarely prevail during these times. It’s all too easy to pick up a flag and wave it in one hand, a Bible and thump it in the other and pledge blind patriotism and faithfulness- but that’s just what many of us did. We all felt a little helpless at the time. Cheer on our Country in one hand and pray to God in the other.

George Orwell’s book, 1984, warned us of this in an overtly illuminating fashion, the immense dangers of a totalitarian government and absolute tyranny under the ruse and guise of devoted nationalism. Orwell’s fictional propaganda language, Newspeak, was a prologue of what was to actually come nearly 50 years after he wrote the now famous, fictional book. The ideas that “war was peace”, “ignorance was strength” and “freedom is slavery” were a dark prophesy of how extorting the masses through systematic brainwashing, fear mongering and forceful secrecy could imprison a whole nation.

People voted in 2000 and 2004 with their emotions and not through the use of informed facts. In short, many people, republicans too, where hoodwinked. As I wrote in a recent essay, “Bush, Cheney, et al. have been running game on America for five plus years now.” People voted both times against their own civil liberties, that they were divisively framed into giving up, under misleading and false pretenses. The idea of giving up civil liberties in order to be safe, in my estimation, is the greatest abomination against America, the Constitution and for all those that gallantly fought to ensure these rights where readily available to all, some 230 years ago.

Our country today, is barely recognizable to the peaceful, restrained, free and caring nation of the pre-Bush era. While there is tremendous chatter and groundswell through the Internet, the single best tool we have today to fight back, is American’s must begin to understand that the system is broken. Congress, those that were elected to represent us, no longer does so. They are either part of the plot, paid off by special interest groups or afraid to act. We have reached an impasse, where the only way to regain this land, this nation and our government is to rise up as an integrated people of unanimity and take action! After all, it is our government – it belongs to all of us! Democracy is certainly not, and never has been, a spectators sport.

Blind obedience is no longer an excuse to ignore the obvious – that people are dying everyday in an immoral war over seas and our freedom at home is under attack. As a nation, we can no longer accept arcane dogma and deception from bellicose, belligerent men too myopic to produce a progressive and peaceful vision of the world. People of this nation must leap beyond logic, accept the unthinkable as not only possible but probable. That ‘probable’ being oppression laced with theocracy has taken root in our nation’s Capitol.

What we need is a paradigm shift to understand the Bush Administration is unwavering in their attempt to remake our society in a radical and very un-American way. We must be vigilant of those that took our nation hostage in 2000 and not shrink to their fear or believe their deceptions. This is no longer a partisan idea, a political debate, but the essence of the continuation of democracy in America itself. We must each help to teach others of the atrocities and subversions that are happening right here, right at this moment and how close we are to losing a free and secular America forever!


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