Saturday, April 29, 2006

Pittsburgh Columnist Smacks Liberal Women in the Mouth with "Poetic Justice"

Frank J. Ranelli

It appears that Mr. Vassilaros, an opinion columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, believes that by using common sense ideas like family planning, liberals are helping build a "super race" for vile conservatives, while we liberals dies off into extinction.

Ladies, take special note of the "conservative, family-valued" Mr. Vassilaros's comment on liberal women:

"Women who are politically conservative typically look much more appealing than liberal ones..."

Apparently, he thinks liberal women are less willing to "whore it up" for their man than conservative women. Well, he got one think right, conservative are whores and will do just about anything to spatter their message of hate, intolerance and impose their "higher ground" beliefs on just about anyone!

Katherine "the heretic" Harris, congresswoman from Florida (R), comes to mind! Katherine Harris is the perfect spokes model for Mr. Vassilaros's 'conservatives-gone-heretic whores' video line. Add in Tammy Faye Baker and a little Anne Coulter and I can see how every red-blooded neocon male would be driven to a frenzy. (Gag....)

It gets even better when he all but espouses work place sexual harrassment and that liberal women are getting in the way of it! (This man has a serious problem!)

"And much less likely to complain about feeling violated or filing a lawsuit whenever he risks giving her a compliment about how hot she looks."

His email and phone are below. Drop him a line or email and let him know how you feel, ladies!

What a neanderthal. Careful, next he will want to club you on the head and drag you into a cave and force you to produce a "litter of puppies" for his large family of conservatives and teach them to spread the neocon message. These people sound more and more like jehovah witnesses, I swear!

Dimitri Vassilaros can be reached at
dvassilaros@tribweb.comor 412-380-5637.

His full "opinion" can be read here:

Liberal poetic justice

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