Deities, Dinosaurs, and the Dangers of Religious Dogma
Monday, August 25, 2008
Curriculum of the ‘Accelerated Christian Academy’ in Mosta instructs kids dinosaurs were used to build ancient pyramids in Egypt.
According to at least one Evangelist pastor, Vince Fenech, of the fully licensed, State-approved Creationist institution, believes and teaches children—ages 4 through 18—that dinosaurs helped build the pyramids. Citing a yet, undiscovered Biblical reference in the Book of Job, Fenech violently strains credulity and incredulously asserts to reporter Raphael Vassallo, of the MaltaToday newspaper, that the Earth was “created in 4004 BC”, and the ancient Egyptians harnessed the power of Jurassic-period dinosaurs to erect the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Pastor Vince Fenech is of course, a Creationist and fervent espouser of a bevy of ideas that not only contests his sanity, but also baselessly suspends science in the name of God; chiefly that the Apollo 11 moon landing proves “the universe is still young!”
Whether astonished, flummoxed, or simply searching for a good guffaw worthy of a side stitch, click here to read more about Fenech’s problematic canon and piously perverse views on sex and abortion.
Curriculum of the ‘Accelerated Christian Academy’ in Mosta instructs kids dinosaurs were used to build ancient pyramids in Egypt.
According to at least one Evangelist pastor, Vince Fenech, of the fully licensed, State-approved Creationist institution, believes and teaches children—ages 4 through 18—that dinosaurs helped build the pyramids. Citing a yet, undiscovered Biblical reference in the Book of Job, Fenech violently strains credulity and incredulously asserts to reporter Raphael Vassallo, of the MaltaToday newspaper, that the Earth was “created in 4004 BC”, and the ancient Egyptians harnessed the power of Jurassic-period dinosaurs to erect the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Pastor Vince Fenech is of course, a Creationist and fervent espouser of a bevy of ideas that not only contests his sanity, but also baselessly suspends science in the name of God; chiefly that the Apollo 11 moon landing proves “the universe is still young!”
Whether astonished, flummoxed, or simply searching for a good guffaw worthy of a side stitch, click here to read more about Fenech’s problematic canon and piously perverse views on sex and abortion.
Labels: Dangers of Religion
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