Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ohio Republican "rats" scurrying to flee sinking GOP ship!

Frank J Ranelli

While Ohio Democrat Bob Shamansky hit it right with calling the GOP leadership "a moral and ethical sewer", Mike Dewine and Deborah Price continue their "Bush Bash" dance to distance themselves from Bush's sinking polls and the sinking GOP SS Titanic that's going down nose first.

Amazingly, according to the Columbus Dispatch this morning, Mike Dewine and Deborah Price suddenly got a case of "decency" and called for all House leaders involved in FoleyGate to resign. How quaint. There is only one thing worse than the sinking GOP ship: the rats scurrying over top of helpless passengers (citizens) to save their own flea-infested hides!

Still more incredible is this nugget from Mike DeWine, one day after we found out that he failed to show up for most of the Senate Intelligence Committee Hearings on Iraq, and then stated he would have voted different on the AUMF, if he had prior knowledge:

Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, who is in a tight battle for
re-election against Democratic Rep. Sherrod Brown, said last night that "if anybody in the leadership had information and didn’t take the appropriate action with that information, then they’re going to have to resign."

Good advice Mike, you should follow it....and resign!

Lots More from the Dispatch, Foley scandal hits Ohio


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